Fife Sailability
Fife Sailablity

We do not pretend to be able to be able to cope without key volunteers and always do our best to help as many people as possible enjoy the challenge and exhilarating feeling of sailing & powerboating. Whether it is launching boats for those who cannot, or less physical help such as offering advice and sailing tips, everyone has something to offer, even if it is simply inspiration and encouragement! The club could not survive without the efforts of our dedicated team of helpers who are on hand to help. We are continually looking for new volunteers, both sailors and land lovers. If you have any time to spare we would love to hear from you to arrange you coming for chat and coffee to see what we do!
We operate a rota of helpers, so whether you have just a couple of Saturdays a year spare or more your help will be appreciated to keep us afloat.
Volunteer Roles
Launch & recovery of boats
Safety Boat driver
Safety spotter
Buddy (a system of offering support to someone less confident on the water)
Boat Maintenance
Admin & Logistics of members/volunteers
Soup and roll providers
Organising hoist, slings, buoyancy aids & life jackets

​Learn to sail while helping others to sail!
You can quickly pick up the basics in our easy to sail accessible dinghies. Designed for people with limited mobility, they are stable and forgiving. Initially one of our experienced volunteers will accompany you. Soon you will have learnt enough to sail on your own, and then take others for a sail or crew on Kitty or wheelyboat.
Can already sail?
After an initial induction and assessment we will quickly find a role for you on the water. Whatever your sailing experience, we can help you learn a bit more while you pass on your knowledge and experience to others. Kitty can provide a taste of bigger boat sailing, and the dinghies give you a feeling of being closer to the water. Experienced sailors will still need to spend time learning the unique set up at Fife Sailability and adapt their existing knowledge to our specially designed boats.
Shore Volunteers
Providing a friendly face when people arrive, assisting people into buoyancy aids, pushing wheelchairs or even serving soup & a roll. All are essentials tasks which may appeal to those who want to come along and be part of the club but would prefer not to sail.
We also welcome assistance in running Fife Sailability with management, logistical, fund raising and marketing.
We welcome new volunteers all year around and we run regular induction sessions.
If you would like to volunteer or are unsure whether you can help us please get in touch!